Tuesday, January 26, 2010

10 Inch Reflector Telescope Cleaning Telescopes Questions?

Cleaning telescopes questions? - 10 inch reflector telescope

Hello, I am looking for good advice, what to clean telescope mirrors and lenses. I'm so Dobsonian10 inch reflecting telescope and a Meade ETX-80 and I'm looking for advice on how I could go clean to clean my mirror in front of my mirror and Dob10 my lens for my Meade ETX-80. I spoke with someone who has a 10-inch Dobsonian and said that it is better to use something as a joke "wow" to clean the mirror. I ask because I do not scratch or damage the lens or a mirror of the two new telescopes. He said that to avoid the paper towels.

Is there a special team had to clear my reach areas? or just things that are good for cleaning my computer?

What would be best for my glasses, contact lenses and what is best for my mirror reflectors? and how do I clean my Dob10 as basically a huge pipe with a large mirror in the background?


Nyx said...

Be careful with the mirror. Aluminum in the top of the glass is fragile and susceptible to scratches and common cleaning chemicals, which, if it may cause falling.

The - so here are some links that will help you --
http://www.televue.com/engine/page.asp?I ...
http://www.cloudynights.com/item.php?ite ...
http://www.wwnorton.com/college/astronom ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Y8xFnXFV ...

And that is how much to do --
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr2Jmpj5Z ...
http://www.gemini.edu/documentation/webd ...

The key is to use large amounts of distilled water for flushing. Do NOT use filtered water because it still has minerals in which the optical spot.
This view of the dry air.
The intention to take a little time and no distractions.
Do not go on the cheap rags. They are, whatever the mirror coatings and safety.

Put your skills on the fade reflector. If your primary mirror is not "hot" they are --
http://www.astro-tom.com/telescCFS / newt ...

Good luck!

Search first before you ask it said...

What Nyx said. But I would add that recently bought covered Dobson, and really, when you leave the caps, if they could not be likely to use clean for several years without the mirror (s spending). A little dust is not very harmful to the display.

If in doubt, you should clean on whether the mirror, it is better to do nothing.

Svetlana said...

You can Orion Mini LensPen Pro Cleaning Tools. It is designed to clean the lens of the binoculars, the optical surfaces. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001KEQ ...

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